Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I commented to my sister (who is also an active blogger) that, because of the blogs, this is the first Christmas we wouldn't have to feel guilty about not scrapbooking! I love blogging! Here is a re-cap of our Christmas adventures.

Christmas Eve
I don't think you could pay me to do this in freezing weather, but Ben thought it was a perfect day for a swing.
We spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa McDavitt's where Ben and I presented the Nativity story with everyone gathered around the refrigerator (the nativity pieces were magnetic). Then we hurried home to get ready for Santa. Cheezits and applejuice for Santa (since he's sick of cookies by now), and sparkly magic oats and carrots for the reindeer while they wait outside. (I had been playing with my camera settings, so a few of these pictures are blurry, ugh!)

Christmas Morning
Santa brought Sam a new art desk with lots of fun art supplies, Ben got a new big boy bike with hand brakes and five gears. Santa also brought a hot wheels race track similar to a pinewood derby track. The boys love it.

Christmas at Grandma's
Presents, dinner, sledding, naps...what a great day! The "Hulk Smash" gloves were a huge hit with the boy cousins.

Here was the scene after the big Hulk Smash knock down brawl on the extra mattress downstairs. Though he looks like the might just be the unfortunate loser of the brawl, he's sleeping, not unconscious (though Grandma was a little worried). We noticed Sam didn't come back upstairs when the other boys did, went to check on him, and found him snoozing, still with gloves on.

We had a little hot wheels derby at Grandma's. All the men and boys chose a car, and I think the winner was uncle Danny.

After dinner, the kids bundled up and went sledding on Grandma's hill. I love these pictures! A neighbor boy came over with a snowboard, and guess who seems to be a natural at that...yep, Ben. He loved it and now wants a snowboard.
The Day After
Sixty degrees! We spent some time outside enjoying the moist air as all the snow melted. It was a little muddy, but we didn't care! Ben got to try out his new bike, which looked like it would be a little too tall, but he was very brave and figured out how to pop up on the seat as he pushes the first pedal down. He's a natural with the handle bar brakes. I barely even gave him instructions and he figured that out. He also shifted the gears a couple of times while riding. The wheels on this bike are much bigger than his Rocket bike, and he can go really fast. I'll have to pick up the pace when I "jog" him to school.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Shape Sorter

We received this shape sorter as a gift when Ben was born. I have always liked it because it's a classic toy, it can go in the tub, and it reminds me of Ben when he was little.
Remove the lid and the shapes, and it also makes a great puke bowl! Talk about a versatile toy. Perfect size and shape (I'll leave the reasons to your imagination). Yes, we are puking today (just Sam so far). It just wouldn't be Christmas if someone didn't get sick, right? Look at my poor baby. What's a mom to do but cuddle and watch movies all day?

Humidifier Stew

When our furnace was installed a few years ago, the furnace guys said it had a built in humidifier. Every year about this time, my skin gets so dry I wonder if they were pulling my leg. I've never gone down there for the purpose of verifying this. I don't know what I would look for. Instead, I make Humidifier Stew: One big pan of water, peelings from one or two oranges, clementines, or grapefruit, 2 cinnamon sticks. Combine and bring to a simmer on the stove. Add water as needed. (Do not eat.)
(Incidentally, our furnace guys are very trustworthy.)

Sam's Preschool Christmas Party

The Early Childhood Center had a "Create with Me" holiday bash complete with Santa (who Sam considered talking to, then came to his senses after we were in line a few minutes). We did very little "creating" at the party because Sam just wanted to keep going through the obstacle course! Mrs. Nancy, his OT was there helping him through.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snake Ben

Today we learned about snakes. Some snakes are harmless, which means they don't DO anything (emphasis on "do"). Like, they don't have any venom, and they don't have any biting ability.

(This information was shared with me in the car the other day. Why was it so funny to me? Probably because I've never heard him use the words "harmless" and "ability" in context before. He sounded like a science teacher!)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Catch Up Post

Some things I've thought about blogging in the past couple of weeks, but haven't found the time...
Ben's Winter Festival Concert: I was SO impressed with the way the Kindergarteners sang. I'd never seen Ben do anything like this before, and I was near tears by the final number of the concert. They have an excellent music teacher, Dr. Wrolstan. Here is a sample. (Ben is in the middle row right in the center of the frame wearing a blue shirt):

Ben's Monkey Puppet: Ben saw this craft on "Lambchops Playalong" and within five minutes had gathered the supplies and made one of his own (this is rare, Ben is not into crafts). It's a walking monkey puppet made from a leftover glove. When he said he wanted to make one, I told him we didn't have any gloves without mates. I was wrong. He found one! He drew and cut out the face, tail and feet himself, then attached them using a glue stick.

The Proper Care and Feeding of...Dinosaurs! The boys and I went to T-Rex Restaurant yesterday, and also did "Build-a-Dino" which is located inside the restaurant. The boys are in love with their dinosaurs, and spent the evening caring for them. They wanted them wrapped in blankets. They pushed them in the stroller. When they started fighting over the stroller, we got out the baby swing. They did this for about an hour. I also got a great deal on some cute green jammies to match their dinosaurs.

Ward Christmas Party: I survived!! Yes, I am the Activities Committee Chair, and Wednesday was one of the most stressful days of my life! Our ward party went very well. I ended up taking the kids out in the snowy weather at 7 pm the night before to pick up the last minute things I'd forgotten, and stayed up until 2:30 am making baby Jesus ornaments for each family in the ward to take home and give away (with a pass along card). The ornament is below. I think they turned out well. I cut the clothespins myself, in the cold, in the garage, on the band saw. The swaddling clothes are made of first aid tape.

Mundy Dance Off

Inspired by our cousins, JJ and Caleb Morgan, Ben and Sam wanted to have their own "Dance Off". Enjoy!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Play Date!

Yesterday, we had our neighbor Reagan over to play. He is 21 months old and sweet as can be. The whole morning went like this:

Walk, walk, walk, touch something. Walk, walk walk, pick something up. Walk, walk, walk, put it down. Stop and dance for a few seconds (we had Christmas music playing). Walk, walk, walk push some buttons. Walk, walk, walk, crouch down to look at something. Walk, walk, walk, stop for a second to watch TV. Walk, walk, walk...

How far do you think an almost two-year-old walks in a day?? It would be fun to attach a pedometer!

Monday, December 8, 2008

More Artwork

I LOVE Ben's pictures. This was from a book they read. The last page had a place for them to describe what their hair is like. You can see that Ben's hair is "short". He explained that this is a picture of our great friend Jennifer cutting his hair. Ben is on the left, Jennifer is on the right, and the thing below his head is the cape she put on him.

Mundy Family Secrets Revealed

Here is a book Ben produced at school which reveals some surprising things about our family. I wonder what Mrs. Petet thinks of us! Can you decipher Ben's creative spelling and guess what we take on our hikes (page 2)? The answer is at the end of the post.Psookus = Bazookas (as in big guns). Did I spell that right?

Welcome Baby Halle!

Here is my beautiful new neice, Halle Reese Raab. She was born Saturday morning, December 6th, 6:30 am. 6 poinds 14.5 ounces, 18 inches long. (Did I get those stats right?)

I told Sam about his new cousin Halle. He said "Halle?....Wall-E!" That's his two cents as to what her name should be. I showed him pictures. He's still calling her Wall-E.
Congratulations Rachel, Matt, and Madden!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Metal Mouth

Surprise! I have braces. They're a little hard to see because they're porcelain in front.