Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Let there be light!

We are in the process of a slow, steady kitchen remodel. Our old "old house" kitchen was small and awkward, so we took out a wall between the kitchen and former back porch (which was enclosed about 20 years ago), and yesterday we had one window replaced and another added. Here are the pictures of yesterday's work. As well as a "before" picture. Now the real fun begins...

drywall, paint, floor, cabinets and countertops. Oh, and Ben helped with demolition Monday morning. He loves having a crowbar in his hand. Those of you who know him will not have to wonder why!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Strong Sam, and Strong the fish

Here is a great picture of Sam standing up to look at and feed our fish. He is getting better and better at standing, and he loves to watch the fish. Why is he named Strong? Ben didn't want this fish at first because he thought it was a girl with all those frilly fins. I told him it was a boy (male betas are the pretty ones, females are less so, kind of like cardinals), and that the fins were there to make him look stronger. He thought that sounded good, and named him Strong.

Spring Yardwork

Well, today is cold and overcast, but we have had some beautiful spring weather the past few weeks and it's inspired me to get out in the yard and weed, mow, plant, divide, etc. This is probably my favorite time of year because the yard looks so good with all the plants coming up. Here are a few pictures. I dug up a couple of my big old hostas and split them into thirteen new ones. I have eight more to move and split, so I'm anticipating about fifty splits by the time I'm done! Thank goodness I have a friend who is looking for lots of hostas. We are laying a brick sidewalk from our front walk to the driveway as well.

A couple of days ago, the kids and I were driving to one of Sam's appointments. It was a gorgeous day. Ben had his hand out the window feeling the warm air, and said, "It's like I finally found summer." My thoughts exactly!

Friday, April 18, 2008


For years I've wanted to own/care for a bonsai tree (think Karate Kid...Mr. Miagi). I ordered a couple from a mail order plan company for $2.75 a piece. I was pretty impressed with my cheapo plants! Truthfully, these are not bonsai (yet), they are dwarf indoor junipers that can be made into bonsai by patient trimming and training. I may have to order another set to practice trimming because these are too pretty. After trimming the tree is supposed to look like a miniature version of a mature tree. Here is an example. I think they are beautiful.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sam turns three!

Yesterday was Sam's birthday. He had a great day and was exhausted by the end. The weather was beautiful, so there was a lot of playing outside for both boys. Sam got a new bike from Grandma and Grandpa Mundy, some very cool wooden trucks and "guys" from Nana Dolen, and a sand and water table from Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa McDavitt. Other good news...today we went to see his Developmental Pediatrician, Dr. Hoffman, who said "I don't really see a reason why you need to visit me again." This is great news coming from a specialist. He things Sam is doing great, that we are managing his disabilities well and that we shouldn't expect any more surprises as he grows up (at least, no more developmental surprises!). He also recommended that next year we might consider placing Sam in a regular preschool rather than the Early Childhood Center (Special Education Center) where he will attend in the fall. He said if Sam's social skills, behavior, communication, and cognition are not significantly delayed that he would be better off in an environment where he's watching and interacting with kids who can model those things correctly rather than kiddos who are struggling. I thought that was exciting to hear.