Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cute cousins

Today Ben and his cousin JJ were sitting at my table eating chicken nuggets. JJ said, "How come you have our family on your fridge?". Ben answered, "Because we like you guys." JJ said, "Then I've got to get your family on my fridge because we like you guys too." Then they went right back to eating. One think I love about kids is their simple, true thoughts that they don't think twice about sharing.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Ok, so I've been reading blogs belonging to my sister-in-law Laura, and my sister Rachel. I seriously have no extra time, but it keeps coming to my mind that I should try to do this. My goal is to document something small about our family everyday (or as often as I can). I was further inspired/prodded this weekend upon hearing President Henry B. Eyring (LDS church) speak about how he kept a brief, daily record of how and when he saw the hand of the Lord reaching out to him and his family. In later years, these records impacted his children in wonderful ways. So, here goes...

Today Sam "cruised" around the train table with greater ease than I've ever seen. I'm so glad the Lord gave him the strong character required to overcome his disabilities.

Today a good friend is moving suddenly to another state after heart-wrenching difficulties in her personal life. The Lord puts people in our path for a reason, and I have a feeling that our short friendship will bring blessings way down the road for both of us.

Today Ben has a friend over, and they are running around like maniacs...oh how my life has changed since I was blessed with boys. I wouldn't change a thing.

Today Mike wrote me a very nice note of gratitude for some "thankless" jobs I do. I really needed that.

Today Ben and Sam hugged each other...a real hug.