Monday, February 23, 2009

Swimming break-through!

I finally did it! I figured out how to keep swimming, indefinitely, without choking for air. Been working on this forever, it seems. It's one of my "New Year's" goals. What was I doing wrong before? I think I was trying to get too much "bang" out of each arm stroke. Today I was taking more moderate strokes, and kicking really small. My muscles got tired before my lungs gave up...the way it should be, I think. The two guys swimming in the lanes on either side of me both pooped out before I did, and I like to think they felt upstaged by my amazing skills!


Tamara said...

Nice job, Sarah! Are you going to do a triathalon?

Jeremiah and Rebecca Morgan said...

That makes me soooo happy! Can't wait to swim with you!

KabulArchitect said...

i'm sure that's what they felt. i feel that way all the time.