Monday, February 23, 2009

Annie makes me smile

We watched "Annie" last night with the boys. This is a movie my siblings and I watched a LOT as kids. If you haven't seen it lately, it's worth re-watching! I couldn't stop smiling throughout the show...unusual for me, I'm a pretty stoic movie watcher.

Another movie I react to...Elf, I laughed (side-splitting style) at the scene at the dinner table where he chugs a 2-liter of pop, produces a 20-second belch, then says, "Did you hear that?" to his brother. I'm laughing out loud right now typing this.

Oh, and can't forget Twilight...another "smiling" movie for me...for entirely different reasons.

1 comment:

KabulArchitect said...

Yes, it was great to watch, though I was suprised how raunchy the Carol Burnett character was on a kid show. I was embarrased to watch in front of our kids.

My favorite side-splitting Elf scene is when he puts the star on the Christmas tree.