Monday, February 23, 2009

Swimming break-through!

I finally did it! I figured out how to keep swimming, indefinitely, without choking for air. Been working on this forever, it seems. It's one of my "New Year's" goals. What was I doing wrong before? I think I was trying to get too much "bang" out of each arm stroke. Today I was taking more moderate strokes, and kicking really small. My muscles got tired before my lungs gave up...the way it should be, I think. The two guys swimming in the lanes on either side of me both pooped out before I did, and I like to think they felt upstaged by my amazing skills!

Annie makes me smile

We watched "Annie" last night with the boys. This is a movie my siblings and I watched a LOT as kids. If you haven't seen it lately, it's worth re-watching! I couldn't stop smiling throughout the show...unusual for me, I'm a pretty stoic movie watcher.

Another movie I react to...Elf, I laughed (side-splitting style) at the scene at the dinner table where he chugs a 2-liter of pop, produces a 20-second belch, then says, "Did you hear that?" to his brother. I'm laughing out loud right now typing this.

Oh, and can't forget Twilight...another "smiling" movie for me...for entirely different reasons.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I came home from a church meeting this morning, and Ben was swinging, enjoying the warm weather, and singing at the top of his lungs ("We will rock you"...I think) ...

Ben: Mom, it's a good day to earn money!
Me: Yes! How do you want to do that?
Ben: My songs.
Me: Who is going to pay you to sing? Do you want to knock on some doors and tell them you'll sing a song for 10 cents?
Ben: No, they'll come here....later today, in the backyard...maybe people, if they're passing by, and they brought money, and they appreciate my music, they'll give me money.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A few of my favorite things...

Power Ranger adorned Brownie Cake (Grandma McDavitt's recipe)
Skippy Natural (I like a little sugar in my healthy peanut butter
Twilight :-)
Baker's Inn Bread (so soft and healthy too!)
Lubriderm "Intense Skin Repair" (Just started using this and LOVE it)
Mineral make up (this is Cover Girl, other's I've tried are too cakey, but I love this one)
My favorite hot wheels (school cute, utility truck with drill and basket...awesome, garbage truck...with operable crusher, tow truck with a real hook to tow your other hot wheels
V8 Fusion (a full serving and fruits AND a full serving of vegetables in every serving...and yes, Ben does drink it!

What are your favorite things?????